Lomi Lomi Massage
Royal Oak Spa KhargharCall : 7506359453
Hawaiian lomi-lomi massage is a healing practice that is part of a larger traditional medicinal system whose roots stretch from Polynesia to Hawai’i. Because techniques were passed down through families, many styles emerged over time, especially considering the vast distances between islands.
Lomi-lomi has its own set of ritual vocabulary in Hawai’ian which include prayer (pule), spiritual energy and personal power (mana), and breath of life (aloha). Translated rather brutishly, “lomi-lomi” is something like “rub, rub”, but more elegantly put, it would be “working in and out like the paws of a contented cat”. Another more spiritual translation could be “to turn or shift”, referring to the massage as a physical change that turns over a new leaf, as it were, by ridding toxins and old material from the body.
People who wish to receive lomi-lomi should have pure intentions and be open to receiving the massage, not just submitting to it. The difference here is their active mental and spiritual participation, even if they are not moving a muscle themselves.